We are living in unprecedented times and our lives are looking quite different from how they used to only a few months ago.

Recycling is a vital part of the UK economy in ‘normal’ times. At this time of crisis, it is providing essential materials to support the NHS in saving lives, for example plastics and packaging to ensure that essential goods can be safely transported across the country such as cardboard, The collection and recycling of many other materials are vital to help keep the lights on, to provide the raw materials for heavy industry, and to keep materials out of landfill.

However, as we all make plans to emerge from lockdown; what will businesses need to do to get up and running – and how best to manage this in a challenging and ever-changing businesses environment?

The recycling industry will have a vital role to play in rebuilding the UK economy.  As the UK transitions to a post-covid-19 world, the recycling sector can also contribute to ensuring the UK becomes a more resilient economy. One where we move from ‘just-in-time’ to ‘just-in-case’ and one where we are better prepared for the inevitable shocks that the future will bring.

Here at Bolton Brothers we have given thought on what you might like to consider for your waste and recycling services looking ahead post lockdown.

Be able to reassess and adapt your plans.

Be agile, flexible and have contingency plans in place to deal with future needs.

Implement best practice for minimising risk.

Arrange regular collections from your business. Key things to discuss with your waste provider are the following:

  • Share your Risk Assessment with your provider and ask them for help where required
  • Avoid loose waste that lingers on your site for example in wheelie bins for an extended period
  • Make sure you are compliant and meeting current legislation

PPE Disposal.

Businesses who are still open are using PPE such as facemasks to keep staff safe and it is highly likely this will continue as more businesses open.

Often these PPE items will be disposed of at the workplace and we strongly recommend you have in place a proper disposal route for these services to avoid putting staff and cleaners at risk.

Cleaner workspaces.

It is likely you will be cleaning your business premises more often and using more disposal cleaning products for the foreseeable future. It is essential your cleaning team and staff doing their own cleaning understand how to dispose of used cleaning products.

Home workers.

Home working will also continue either as part of lock-down-release or on a permanent basis, and as an employer it is critical that you continue to support your home-teams as focus starts to shift back to your main business site. There are many ways in which you can support home workers, think about the following:

Confidential Shredding Service – Paper and confidential data – ensure they remain compliant. How are you going to deal with this?

PC and phone recycling – we are more reliant on these than ever remember to dispose of correctly.

Whatever the exact rules are as we emerge from lockdown there will be an impact on your waste management and recycling. Now is the time and opportunity to integrate this aspect into your plans to re-open your business and to do so effectively. We believe the best way to do this is to plan for agility and work with flexible waste management and recycling businesses that can work to the needs of your business.

Bolton Brothers are one of East Anglia’s largest family owned independent recycling & waste management companies operating throughout Suffolk, Norfolk, and Essex. We offer paper, cardboard, plastic, and scrap metal recycling, as well as a full waste management collection services for all non-recyclable waste for Waste to Energy as well as special hazardous waste disposal.

Contact us today if you require any help or advice on how to deal with your waste management and recycling needs during covid-19 as well as planning and recommendations on what your business needs may be post lockdown.

Call us on: 01473 830948                          https://boltonbros.co.uk/recycling/

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